Saturday, April 5, 2008

Finally Updated and Great News!!!

Sorry, it has been awhile!

Finally, we will like to announce that our congregation
got an new Pastor for our English Missionary.

To all the Oct. - Mar. Birthday. Happy Belated Birthday!

Please come an join us for future Sunday services, gatherings
and other great events.

New pastor that we like to personal greet and honor is P. Dewayne Strange from the Golden Gate Seminary.

Weekly Bible Study- Every Wednesday night at 7:30pm to 9:30ish pm at the house next door to the church.

Upcoming Events:

Saturday, April 29th 7pm at the church- "Praise Night," we really want this time to be a time of revival for the whole church, and thus we need lots and lots of prayer support!

(Posted by rbc at 5:11 P)

Some EM guys (youth teachers and myself) were helping out the Youth Dept. Probably just arrived home within this hour or a bit later. Few churches in the Bay Area and the East Bay had an "the Doorway 2" gathering at our church from 7pm to 11pm. Our KM and Youth moms (Richmond Youth) made amazing feast for all the kids, teachers and Pastors. The gathering was awesome and spiritual learning.

Tomorrow service, or should I say in 13 hours. Please come and join us for amazing refreshments and nourishment in the WORD and fellowship with others. EM service from 1pm-2:15pm with the following "refreshments" or come earlier and watch the Praise team 2nd rehearsal before service. 12:15pm.

See you all tomorrow

Upcoming Events:

Saturday, April 29th 7pm at the church- "Praise Night," we really want this time to be a time of revival for the whole church, and thus we need lots and lots of prayer support!

1 comment:

Capt Root said...

i got home around 11:05pm ish...
brought home some food for sister which were prepared by the mothers' and few by me. the rice cakes were missing. i know i pack some but its not here...even my sprite on the table that i left with the food was gone. at least the food was safe but not the rice cakes...

the teachers and pastors also got food to bring home, etc.