Sunday, October 19, 2008

This Sunday, October 26th, 2008, we have a special event involving everyone at our church, including the Children's ministry, Youth group, Korean ministry and RBC - EM, our One Community Church congregation.

Come and support the Charity concert for the North Korea mission at 12:30 PM in the Main Santuary.

Sunday service for One Community Church (RBC - EM) will be held later at 2 PM in the Youth building behind the house where we meet weekly for Wednesday Night Bible Study.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Upcoming Events!

This Sunday, September 28th 1:00 PM:
Join us for Pastor DeWayne's Ordination Service at the usual Sunday Service time at RBC.

Upcoming Events:
Winter One-Day Snowtrip (TBD)
Winter Retreat (January 16-18, 2009)

Saturday, July 26, 2008

photos taken by bbopg13

Here is the cross that P. DeWayne made from the scrap of plywood from the yard...

The Retreat

Yeah and sorry!

The theme was "Open and Sincere Heart"

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Want to celebrate this month Birthday!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Have a Great Memorial Day!

Anyway you celebrate it or spend it- Have a great Memorial Day holiday!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

The CM teachers, including a few of the EM members had planned a BBQ party for a very special member. For the EM congregation, it was a BBQ invitation, which turned out to be a good luck/ good-bye party for Pattie, an EM member who is also a CM teacher.

Have fun and we will miss you, Pattie!

It was fun and great knowing you for the past few years. - EM congregation

We will miss you serving the CM and EM through praise and leading worship!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

June and July Upcoming Events

June 8th- a celebration and farewell at the same time

Farewell to Pastor Bae (church head senior pastor)
Dedication to the new (church head senior pastor) Pastor Kim

July 17th-20th- Will be our Summer GetaWay Retreat to N. Lake Tahoe

Some EM members will also be helping out with the RY kids and the CM kids
with this year CM kids' 2008 VBS Theme

-Don't know yet another plans or events for this Month of May

Special Night for the Month of May

So most of us from the congregation and Pastor Jun and 2 youth guys (Tom and Jay)were along us to celebrate someone very special night it was to be an "Surprise".

May 19th.

This surprise was all planned by D. Koo- I also ran into him and Michelle just few moments after the run-in with Jonathan also at B&N.

The time for the surprise was 7pm Bay Street's Elephant Bar

Meet up with the whole gang at Elephant Bar while we wait for Tom and Jonathan to walk-in.

While seating down- P. DeWayne, Jay and P. Jun was coming in with 2 birthday cakes.
Yes, I said 2 birthday cakes. One was SpongeBob SquarePants and Patrick Star with #25 candles while the other one was an white cake with frosting and "Happy Birthday' candles.

After the meal- Of course we all dig into the white cake and took pictures. P. Jun got Jonathan twice with all the cake smearing on the face in the same area.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

This Weekend!

This Weekend Events
So this weekend is packed!

First off, tonight there are 2 events

the Youth Group's Praise Night (Grace Night)held at the Hayward Church also our EM congregation has also an Praise Night held tonight at church.

Most of the KM and the Paul Group are planning to join the event.

Second-Tomorrow events

Our church is celebration the 29th Anniversary-plus the upcoming new KM pastor and the meeting of our EM Pastor. The service is planned out from each dept in our church congregation. The CM (the kids) will sing, orchestra, Youth and the KM special program, etc. So the EM service will be held later than schedule.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Our Brief History and Upcoming News!

Richmond Baptist Church (Korean Ministry) started in 1979. Pastor Hoon Bae has been serving as the Senior Pastor of RBC since 1982. The English Ministry of RBC started in June 2001 with Pastor Sam Shin and a group of about ten young people. In October of 2003, Sam Shin moved on to pursue his calling as a Youth Pastor at San Jose FKBC. Erin Bishop served as an associate pastor from August 2003 until September of 2004. In March 2004, Joseph Chu began to serve as the lead pastor for the English Ministry.

In 2005 the English Ministry became financially independent from the Korean Ministry.

End of Sept. 2007 Pastor Joseph Chu and family moved back to the East Coast.

This spring of 2008- We are glad that Dewayne Strange is now fully our main pastor. Who has been one of guest speakers before Pastor Joseph Chu moved.

Weekly News-

This coming Saturday, April 26th is our EM "Praise Night"

Sunday, April 27th, 2008 will be our church 29th anniversary. Which KM, EM, CM, RY and the Paul group (the whole church congregation) will be meeting the new KM pastor and the EM pastor.

But tomorrow, the youth group and our pastor will be joining the KM service as well with next week service. Keep them in your prayers.

our church anagrams (KM - Korean Ministry, EM - English Ministry,
CM - Children Ministry, Paul group - Korean Young Adults Ministry)
RY - Youth Group

Sunday, April 6, 2008

April Weekly News

Upcoming Events

Sunday, April 27th:

They are going to finalize by meeting Pastor DeWayne Strange
and the new KM pastor for the RBC 29th anniversary.

Please come and support the KM and EM congregation
during this special worship service.

Please Pray for Him.

Reminder- This Wednesday, there's Bible Study at the house
(next door to the church main building and front of the RY youth building)
Please bring your Bibles and later there is Small Group discussion.

Also check out our new upcoming and updated website:

if want to need more about our history and background don't hesitate to check our old website
(this has P. Joe and family now residing in the East Coast)

Keep this coming Saturday, April 26th for the "Praise Night" held at the main building of our church. 7pm Pray for the event.

July 18th -20th will be the weekend of our EM annual "Summer Retreat" with our new Pastor Dewayne Strange held in Tahoe. Please also keep this on the calendar and in your prayers.

Happy Birthday- April!

We want to celebrate those birthday in the month of April.

Happy Birthday!

There is an servant team/leadership meeting later today after refreshments

Upcoming Events:

Praise Night, Saturday, April 26th at 7pm in the main Sanctuary. Please join us for a night full of praise, prayer and worship.

Summer Retreat: This summer retreat is schedule for the weekend of July 18-20th. Please mark your calendar.

Weekly Bible Study/ Small Group: In the house by the Youth Building.
From 7:30-9:30pm. Don't forget to bring your "Bible."

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Finally Updated and Great News!!!

Sorry, it has been awhile!

Finally, we will like to announce that our congregation
got an new Pastor for our English Missionary.

To all the Oct. - Mar. Birthday. Happy Belated Birthday!

Please come an join us for future Sunday services, gatherings
and other great events.

New pastor that we like to personal greet and honor is P. Dewayne Strange from the Golden Gate Seminary.

Weekly Bible Study- Every Wednesday night at 7:30pm to 9:30ish pm at the house next door to the church.

Upcoming Events:

Saturday, April 29th 7pm at the church- "Praise Night," we really want this time to be a time of revival for the whole church, and thus we need lots and lots of prayer support!

(Posted by rbc at 5:11 P)

Some EM guys (youth teachers and myself) were helping out the Youth Dept. Probably just arrived home within this hour or a bit later. Few churches in the Bay Area and the East Bay had an "the Doorway 2" gathering at our church from 7pm to 11pm. Our KM and Youth moms (Richmond Youth) made amazing feast for all the kids, teachers and Pastors. The gathering was awesome and spiritual learning.

Tomorrow service, or should I say in 13 hours. Please come and join us for amazing refreshments and nourishment in the WORD and fellowship with others. EM service from 1pm-2:15pm with the following "refreshments" or come earlier and watch the Praise team 2nd rehearsal before service. 12:15pm.

See you all tomorrow

Upcoming Events:

Saturday, April 29th 7pm at the church- "Praise Night," we really want this time to be a time of revival for the whole church, and thus we need lots and lots of prayer support!